Chiropractic Testimonials
Praise to the God of All Comfort
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
There is HOPE!
Low Back Dysfunction
Treatment Completed June 2016
When I came to Foundation Health & Wellness I was in excruciating pain in my low back. I had injured my lower back in January 2016 and within three months, I was able to continue coaching baseball including being able to throw and even swing the bat. Dr. House and his staff have been more than helpful setting up appointments and working with my schedule to continue on my specialized treatment plan. I strongly feel Foundation Health & Wellness was the best choice in my recovery to prolong if not eliminate my need for more surgery.
Neck, Back, Hip and Jaw Dysfunction
Treatment completed May 2014
When I came to Foundation Health & Wellness I was having neck, back, hip and jaw pain. I was also having muscle tightness, fatigue, difficulty chewing, numbness and my heart was racing! I had been dealing with these problems increasingly for 30 years! I still deal with symptoms but have seen many chiropractors, taken muscle relaxers, Tylenol, Advil, etc for many years. Through my care at Foundation Health & Wellness I finally have relief and I’m off all my meds! My experience shows that the staff is always nice and caring. Dr. House listens intently. I would highly recommend Dr. House for all ages.
Low back Spasms and Hip Dysfunction
Treatment Completed July 2016
When I came to Foundation Health & Wellness I had 2 issues: one was lower back spasms & hip joint pain that was a couple of years ago and was aggressive & chronic and second and most recent is degenerative joint disease along the spine that caused pain, dizziness, nauseas & spasms. Overall, I had suffered over 10 years. I had seen my primary care physician when I was in a lot of pain. My treatment was pain medication with negative side effects. There were no referrals given or extra help and left frustrated with the answer. The staff at Foundation Health & Wellness was awesome and very caring. I liked that Dr. House and the staff listened to my concerns, explored everything and gave me answers finally. My issues were connected to one problem that was fixable. I am pain free, have more energy, more mobility and can tell a difference in posture and the things I do. Dr. House helped me when others couldn’t or wouldn’t. If I never came, I am not sure what would have happened but I am truly blessed with how my body was handled and is now performing because of my care.
Headaches and Migraines
Treatment Completed Current
When I came to Foundation Health & Wellness I was having multiple headaches and migraines each week. My neck and back were constantly popping and restricted me for most things. I have been living with the pain for 2 years. To help with the problem I was taking pain pills before finally seeing Dr. House. The staff at Foundation Health & Wellness was excellent in helping deal with my problem. They fully explained what the treatment plan looked like and made it understandable for me. I not only saw the treatment work in helping with my migraines but I also saw an improvement in my all around health. I can now say I am functioning normally am sleeping and eating better, better mood and almost no headaches or migraines and if I do have one they are not as painful. I have already recommended Dr. House to multiple people.
Chronic Neck and Back Pain
Treatment Completed September 2016
Upon coming to Foundation Health & Wellness I was suffering from chronic neck and back pain as well as lack of sleep and headaches. I have been suffering from this chronic pain for the past 6 years following a sledding accident where I hit my head against a tree. I have seen multiple chiropractors in hope that it would help my condition. The staff at Foundation Health & Wellness treated me wonderfully and truly cared for me with what I was going through. I was able to start feeling so much better after starting my treatment plan and I could tell it was really making a difference in my condition. I was able to sleep better, have fewer and less painful headaches. My neck pain decreased dramatically and I started noticing that I no longer had stiff, achy and tight muscles. Dr. House is extremely passionate in ensuring that he does everything that he can in helping you to feel the very best you can. I highly recommend him to anyone because of his passion in this work and the kindness that he shows through the whole process.
Low Back Dysfunction
Treatment Completed May 2016
When I came to Foundation Health & Wellness I was in a lot of pain, especially walking. While the pain started a week prior to coming to Dr. House it was a serious week of extreme pain. I knew that coming to Foundation Health & Wellness would be the best place for me to start getting on the right path of health again. The staff and the care that I received while at Foundation Health & Wellness was most excellent and a personal interaction where I felt like my voice was being heard. Through my treatment I now have the pain I experienced before eliminated, my energy has increased along with my range of motion and flexibility. I highly recommend everyone see Dr. House because I was able to realize the reality of aging should not be an assumption of limits I think I should set for myself. Dr. House not only corrected the pain I experienced while walking but he improved limits I set for myself because I thought that was what I was “suppose” to feel during the aging process. Dr. House is a man of excellence and I would recommend him to anyone.
Low Back and Neck Dysfunction
Treatment completed April 2016
When I came to Foundation Health & Wellness I was suffering from debilitating pain that started during my two pregnancies. With my first pregnancy I noticed that the pain would radiate from the base of my neck to the rest of my skull every time I turned my head. During my second pregnancy I experienced numbness and pain in my lower back; the numbness would extend down through both my legs and knees. With my first pregnancy I noticed the pain around 10 weeks but waited to come to Dr. House until 21 weeks of pregnancy because this was my first time ever seeing a chiropractor. My second pregnancy I came in a month or two after I noticed the pain 3 days prior to my visit I discovered that I was expecting again. It was determined during my visit with Dr. House that my pain was caused from a bulging disk. During my first pregnancy I took Tylenol and asked my OB/GYN who only prescribed muscle relaxers. Nothing helped though. I love how respectful of space Dr. House is as well as the time he takes to explain the issues before providing care. I was nervous to see a chiropractor for the first time, especially because I was also pregnant, but his personableness and professionalism put my concerns to rest. The pain I experienced on a daily basis for 3 months was minimal after 3 visits. With the continued adjustments throughout my pregnancy I had minimal discomfort for most of the pregnancy & felt great. I have recommended Dr. House to several people and have shared my story with them as proof of his quality of care.
Low Back Dysfunction
Treatment completed November 2015
Wow! What a difference a great doctor makes. I have had back pain for years and went to a pain management doctor and had over 40 shots in my back and it just didn’t work. I met Dr House and after the first visit I started showing improvement and most importantly stopped having the severe pain. I’m able to rest at night and actually get things done during the day. Thanks so much!
Back and Wrist Dysfunction
Treatment completed August 2015
Justin (13 yrs old) began complaining of back and wrist pain. He is a drummer at school, School of Rock, and church Youth group so we need to find him relief. I had seen Dr. House for my hip and knew he was wonderful. Justin felt relief from his back and wrist pain a little more each time we went. Not long into our visits, his wrist pain was gone and shortly after that so was his back pain. To our surprise, Justin’s acid reflux that he had since he was 5 years old, almost disappeared. His issues are a lot less. He went from 3 or 4 stomach aches a week to maybe 1 every few weeks.
Chronic Double Ear Infections
Treatment Completed August 2016
My 8-month old son was having chronic double ear infections for about 5 months resulting in tube placement prior to seeing Dr. House. We would only et about three hours of sleep a night (with all the minutes added together). He was also behind on sitting up and balancing. We had seen the pediatrician and an ear, nose, and throat specialist. He was placed on 6 antibiotics repeated twice! We are sleeping 8-10 hours a night and no more antibiotics!!! And most importantly, we have our happy baby back! He is sitting up, crawling, and pulling up on the furniture! The amount of energy and love that went into the care of Slade was what I liked most about his care. Being a baby in this situation is scary…you can tell how much Dr. House cares about Slade and his recovery. The staff was willing and wanting to help, respectful, made us feel like we wee their only patient, and very caring. I would recommend Dr. House to everyone! Young and old! Very caring, loving, and knows what he is doing!
Currently in Treatment
"I have been dealing with Fibromyalgia for 7 years. I get numbness and burning in my arms and hands and weakness all over. There is also a lot of fatigue. I also, deal with short term memory issues, a burning back, and minimal range of motion. I refused the prescription medication and treatment because I didn’t like the effect they had on my body.
Under Dr. House’s care, I am energized and it only takes me 5-10 min to roll out of bed compared to the 30-45 minutes before. The burning only occurs between treatments but the numbness is gone. The muscle fatigue only shows up when I overuse them working on the farm. I also have almost a 100% reduction in NSAID use when receiving treatment routinely. The staff are all very caring and professional. Overall, I feel so much better. I don’t feel like a prisoner in my own body anymore, and don’t feel as though my body has betrayed me. My husband is grateful to have his wife feel normal, and my children love having a mom that can be with them. For too long my children had to hear me say to them I don’t feel like it. I highly recommend Dr House!"
Treatment Completed April 2016
I suffered with severe fatigue for 1 year following a surgical procedure. I had been through test after test but no one could find the cause for my fatigue and heart flutters. Overall, I have seen 80% improvement in my day. The severe fatigue, energy drops, and back spasms have all improved. My energy is more consistent. Many are surprised that chiropractic is the only physical change I have done to help. They have a fantastic staff! What I liked most about my care is the honesty about what they can and can’t do for you. I love how open Jonathan is about partnering with Jesus in his practice. With the results that I have seen, I am only thinking about moving forward and not my daily pain.
Neck Pain, Back Pain, Leg/Groin Pain, Severe Headaches
I was ejected from a vehicle in a rollover accident and had neck pain, back pain, leg/groin pain and severe headaches for 2 or 3 months. In addition, I couldn’t sit up for longer than 10 minutes without getting dizzy and nauseated. All the neurologist said is I just had migraines and put me on all kinds of pills that didn’t help. The staff at Foundation Health & Wellness is very nice and respectful. Through my treatment I can move and function again like I did before my accident. I am used to being very active! Currently, I’ve seen excellent results and I am 90% better. Overall the care made me feel like the old active me again. I have gone back to my normal life!
Back Pain
"Back pain, a friend, and a few patients first brought me to Dr. John. She thought that I should give it a try, I did and was so grateful that I did. I can truly say after 3 surgeries it was the best thing yet. Since starting chiropractic care I have got up out of the slump I was in and have not had to wear my back brace in the last 7 months. I have been able to drive myself back and forth to the doctors office to get my adjustments. Wow, that has been a blessing in its self. When I was unable to go 10 miles without stopping to get out and walk before I drove the next 10 miles. I would say that if you have not tried it you need to. The care that Dr. John shows you in the whole person is awesome in its self. He really knows how to visit with you and in what care and treatments that he is providing you. The warmth that his staff has for you when you enter the office is great; It is always with a smile and a hello. I also like when you exit it is with “have a great day!"
- T.S.
"I just wanted to let you know that I have seen SO MUCH (I mean, SO MUCH) improvement on my health with me changing my diet. After talking to you on Tuesday Dr. Hodnett; I went to Sun Harvest and bought some of the things to start my new diet. Well, that night I didn’t have an asthma attack! Last night, I didn’t have an asthma attack and hardly heard any wheezing! I just want to say thank you for what you do! Thank you for teaching me that there is a different and much better way of living a life that is healthy and beneficial for my life. I am so excited about these great changes that I had to let you both know!"
- S.D.
"A referral from my physician for Rheumatoid Arthritis, (RA) first brought me to the office. Since I have been coming to Dr. Hodnett I have more Energy. More time between my flair ups, and I have increased my immune system. If you haven’t seen a chiropractor before, You really need to try it, for your family, for your Self!"
- N.S.
Neck Pain
"Back and neck pain first brought me to Dr. Hodnett. Since starting chiropractic care I’ve learned to listen to my body and its responses to stress. The knowledge I’ve gained on nutrition and lifestyle is priceless. If you have never seen a chiropractor I would recommend it because it can honestly save your life and longevity. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself."
- J.R.
Back Injury
"I fist started chiropractic care with my mom I had a back injury and was curious to see if chiropractic care could help heal it. Since receiving chiropractic care my whole life has changed! I now have an organic way to deal with pain at its core. Chiropractic care has helped me live PAIN FREE, and when I need help, Dr. John has been amazing in giving me things I can do to get healthy and stay healthy. If you have never seen a chiropractor before I would tell you that a good chiropractor would help them live a healthier more full life. Though chiropractic care is a process, the effort is worth it. It has changed my life, and I wouldn’t be able to do all the things I do without it. Never again will I rely on medication to ease the pain."
- R.D.
Back Pain
"I was having very bad back pain. I had been to the doctor and they basically said I had the back of a 70 year old man (I’m in my 30’s), and there was nothing they could do for me. I started getting care from Dr. John and it has helped me a ton! Since I started chiropractic care I feel better and have got off most all of the pain medication I had been taking to get me though the day. If you haven’t seen a chiropractor before you don’t know what you’re missing. Chiropractic has helped me!"
- T.W.
Low Back Pain
"Extreme lower and back pain has brought me to the office. Since starting chiropractic care I have much less back and neck pain, I have not had to go to my pain management doctor to get shots in 2 years. I am more flexible than I was in the beginning. I am healthier than I have been in years, with fewer allergies and other problems that I had prior. It is the best thing I have ever done for my health! Thank You."
- L.H.
"A car accident first brought me to Dr. John. Since starting chiropractic care my migraines are almost gone. If you haven’t ever seen a chiropractor before it is worth the time and benefit of natural stimulation."
Back Pain
"I was first recommended by several people to come to Dr. Hodnett. My best friend really felt better after his adjustments. I decided to try him and felt so much better. Since starting chiropractic I am walking better. I feel so loose and relaxed, I had lower back pain before but it has lessened a lot. If you have never seen a chiropractor before you must try it, it is good for the whole body."
- L.F.
Lower Back Pain
"Severe lower back pain first brought me to see Dr. John Hodnett. I couldn’t walk, sit or stand for very long, maybe 5-10 minutes at a time. Since starting chiropractic care I went from not being able to walk or sit without pain(to the point that I could barely function) to being able to walk, sit and stand consistently without much pain or none at all. I’ve even been able to get a job, I feel that good! Chiropractic care isn’t just about back pain, its about making sure that your body as a whole is functioning the way that it should. I recommend it to anyone! Dr. John and the staff are some of the most kind and caring people I have ever met and they will go out of their way to make sure you have the best care possible."
- B.H.
Neck and Shoulder Pain
"Pain and discomfort in the head, neck and shoulders first brought me to Dr. Hodnett. Since starting chiropractic care life has changed, I can now use muscles in my upper body I haven’t used in years. I can work in my year again, I am a better employee at work and a better wife and mom at home. LIFE HAS CHANGED!! I would say to someone that has not seen a chiropractor before, “You don’t have to live with that discomfort go see Dr. John Hodnett. You don’t have to take all those medications, you should just go and get your body adjusted.”
- L.F.
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday

Foundation Health & Wellness
6701 Aberdeen Ave Suite 11
Lubbock, TX 79424